Show me the light

August 14, 2011 § Leave a comment

Eric Therner's Diamond Lights at raw dice showroom

Eric Therner's Diamond Lights with Bakerlite fittings

Everybody needs time to reflect. Life is full of questions and dilemmas, waiting to be answered. Once in a while, after much deliberation,  out of the blue a lightbulb sparks in one’s mind and voilà – the answer is there to see. It is so clear and one is left wondering why we didn’t think of it before!

I cannot promise a Eureka moment with Eric Therner’s lights, but possibly they can give you a cause to reflect on life’s little mysteries.

If aesthetics are what you are pondering on, then these lightbulbs will not disappoint. Who knows they may just trigger an inspiration to write a poem or a story, to travel to a distant land in search of enlightenment or make you want to save the world. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, how can a lightbulb do all that?’ I hear you ask. I do not make any promises that any of the above will happen, but as you put on the light and see the diamond shape reflections it throws into space, stand still and contemplate. Now let your daydreams run away with you.

Eric Therner's Diamond Light Bulbs Photo by Jesper Lindstrom

Available from raw dice, £25.00 +P&P.

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